Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Comfort for the Remainder

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, this will be the final post of my Adventure blog. I am now sitting at my house in Encinitas, CA. I have been around the world in 40 days. I had an amazing time in China and then I traveled to England. The flight situation was interesting to say the least. I was stuck in Beijing for 5 hours due to a delay in my flight, consequently, this made me miss my connection from London to Leeds where my amazing wife was going to greet me at the airport. It was late, I was tired and I had no Idea how I was going to get to Harrogate which is just outside Leeds. I was making my way through Heathrow airport and looking for the train station when this crazy lady came running toward me with her hands up in the air. I braced myself and tried to grab a hold of my bag to whack her over the head and then........I realized it was Susie. She drove 4 hours to London with her brother because she knew I was going to miss my flight and couldn't wait another second to see me. It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I am not going to go into too much detail about the England adventure because I need to save some things for the Book but here are a few shots of the amazing time we had there.)

It was great to be with my wife. "Reunited and It feels so Good" I repeated that song over and over in my head. (and out loud sometimes)

It was my first time In England. Max (my brother in law) and Amy (my sister in law) took us to some awesome castles and we also did some hiking. There is a rich history in England. Everything is so green and fresh.


We also did a little relaxing on the River. We were just on Vacation Having Fun!!!!!!


For the last 3 days of our trip we went to London. Awesome. We got a hotel right next to the London Eye and just a stones throw away from Big Ben and Parliament. Oh Childhood Memories!!!!


We saw a show (Wicked), Gambled, Drank,


Ate Fish and Chips....YUM....Smashed Peas.....and just had a great time enjoying each others company.


There are some crazy laws in England.....Like this one.....Your not allowed to jump cars with your Motorcycle unless you are in certain Zones. Why????? I don't know.


Overall, we had an amazing time. It took me a few days to adjust in England and It is taking me a few days to adjust here in the States......

This Trip Changed my life. I am forever grateful to all my sponsors as well as the people who will buy my book in the future. Without you this would not have been possible. I promise that I will do amazing things with the knowledge I learned on this trip. I am a different person, I have a new passion for the world and I am making it my goal to give it my all, every second of every day to make this world a better place.

Thank you for Being a Part Of the China Adventure 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeremy Linquist
Adventure Expert.

But, Thats not all. I will be posting random pics as I go through the 30gigs of photos and movies that I have. Check back often to see the pics that don't make the book but deserve to get some respect.

1 comment:

Amy Leigh
Holistic Health Counselor

Oh my goodness. I totally cried when I read the story about Sus picking you up in London! She failed to mention that to me, which is ok because reading it here made it that much more special. I am so glad you are home. I can't wait to see you and hear all about it!