Thursday, September 18, 2008

fall newsletter


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Comfort for the Remainder

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, this will be the final post of my Adventure blog. I am now sitting at my house in Encinitas, CA. I have been around the world in 40 days. I had an amazing time in China and then I traveled to England. The flight situation was interesting to say the least. I was stuck in Beijing for 5 hours due to a delay in my flight, consequently, this made me miss my connection from London to Leeds where my amazing wife was going to greet me at the airport. It was late, I was tired and I had no Idea how I was going to get to Harrogate which is just outside Leeds. I was making my way through Heathrow airport and looking for the train station when this crazy lady came running toward me with her hands up in the air. I braced myself and tried to grab a hold of my bag to whack her over the head and then........I realized it was Susie. She drove 4 hours to London with her brother because she knew I was going to miss my flight and couldn't wait another second to see me. It was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I am not going to go into too much detail about the England adventure because I need to save some things for the Book but here are a few shots of the amazing time we had there.)

It was great to be with my wife. "Reunited and It feels so Good" I repeated that song over and over in my head. (and out loud sometimes)

It was my first time In England. Max (my brother in law) and Amy (my sister in law) took us to some awesome castles and we also did some hiking. There is a rich history in England. Everything is so green and fresh.


We also did a little relaxing on the River. We were just on Vacation Having Fun!!!!!!


For the last 3 days of our trip we went to London. Awesome. We got a hotel right next to the London Eye and just a stones throw away from Big Ben and Parliament. Oh Childhood Memories!!!!


We saw a show (Wicked), Gambled, Drank,


Ate Fish and Chips....YUM....Smashed Peas.....and just had a great time enjoying each others company.


There are some crazy laws in England.....Like this one.....Your not allowed to jump cars with your Motorcycle unless you are in certain Zones. Why????? I don't know.


Overall, we had an amazing time. It took me a few days to adjust in England and It is taking me a few days to adjust here in the States......

This Trip Changed my life. I am forever grateful to all my sponsors as well as the people who will buy my book in the future. Without you this would not have been possible. I promise that I will do amazing things with the knowledge I learned on this trip. I am a different person, I have a new passion for the world and I am making it my goal to give it my all, every second of every day to make this world a better place.

Thank you for Being a Part Of the China Adventure 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeremy Linquist
Adventure Expert.

But, Thats not all. I will be posting random pics as I go through the 30gigs of photos and movies that I have. Check back often to see the pics that don't make the book but deserve to get some respect.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

All Good Things Come to an End

Well my friends, this is a very sad day for me. I have not blogged in a few days due to some internet complications and also because I was taking every moment to enjoy what I was experiencing. I was at the tail end of a trip that changed my life. You can hear me say it now, I will be back in Chengdu. Soon. I love the city so much. I fell in love and I have been struggling to get my bearings straight since I left.
I am now in Harrogate, England visiting the Lehman family. My brother in-law and wife and two kids. I had quite the experience getting here with some delays and uncertianty, missed flights and a surprise airport pick up by my wife in London. But if you want to know more about that you will have to buy the book.

For now I will just leave you with some Chengdu Love and a couple pictures of an amazing journey.

Like I posted before, My father arrived in Chengdu and we took a trip that weekend to Huang Long and JiuZhaoGou. The scenery was breathtaking. Here are a few shots from the mountain.



Having my dad on this trip was such an amazing experience as well. I am so lucky to have a father who is also my best friend. This is not the first trip that we have taken like this and will by no means be the last. Actually, after this trip I think we have convinced him to move to China with me.


On Day 2 of our amazing adventure we took a trip to Huang Long which is at a substantial altitude. We were all very tired and this was quite the experience. Little did I know that this would be one of the craziest experiences I have ever had in my life. The full details would not be easily posted on this blog so to make a long story short, A group member got altitude sickness, the bus took everybody 4 hours away to the hotel and left me behind with two others. We traveled 45 min. by ambulance in the opposite direction to the closest hospital and after a few life changing moments of uncertainty, we reunited with our group at 4am. (once again, full details will be in the book with a special section from my dad describing what it was like to leave us there)


Luckily, we had enough time to bum around Chengdu for a couple days before the Adventure was over. Here are a few of my favorite pics.

Don't mess with the Bearded American!!!!!

We also had time to allow my dad to experience a quality ear cleaning. I am not sure if I enjoyed it more than he did. I got some great facial expressions.


finally, we were able to have one last supper with everybody and we were joined by some of our favorite Translators. It was so great to meet them. I will always have a connection in Chengdu when I return.


As you can see, All things must come to an end. Unfortunately, so did this trip.


So I leave you with my final Post from China. It is not something that I ever wanted to end but I will be able to revisit it when I write the book and sort through the 40 gigabytes of pictures and Movies. This was the greatest Adventure of my life. I fell in Love in Chengdu and the magic of this Adventure will always have a special place in my heart.

I am now in England and I will place another post to detail the continuation of my Trip around the World!!!!!

for now,
zài jiàn
Good Bye

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Where Do I Begin?

It has been about 10 days since my last blog and a TON has happened since then. I took a couple days off from blogging to enjoy my graduation from the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and party it up a bit in China. It is sad to leave the Hospital. It went by very quick but on the other hand my real vacation has begun. On Thursday night my Dad arrived in Chengdu. Brianna and I picked him up from the airport and we made it back to the room without much struggle. Sometimes the communication barrier is difficult but it just makes everything an Adventure. Brianna speaks the best Mandarin in the group so I bribed her to accompany me.
The next morning I finished my last day of clinic and we were ready to Rock!! We had a small ceremony at the school and then the Craziness of what I call a Mystery Tour began. Tantan took us to dinner at an amazing restaurant and hooked it up so that Brianna could dance. (She is a Belly Dancer) It was so funny, they put up a stage and all the people were taking pictures with their cell phones and calling people to tell them what was happening. They had never seen anything like it.
After dinner we proceeded directly to the Karaoke Bar and Partied like it was 1999!!!
The evening has many crazy details and pictures but you will have to wait for the book to get them all.
The next morning we got on a tour bus at 6:30am for what was the mystery tour. We had no idea where exactly we were going or what to expect. All we knew was that it was beautiful............


14 hours later we arrived. The tour was definitely not what we were expecting. We did not have an english translator, nor did we expect to be on the bus ride from Hell.
I am skipping a lot of the details because i don't want to give the excitement of the book away but this is one chapter you do not want to miss. Believe Me!
We spent 4 days in JiuZhaoGao and Huang Long. Two beautiful places that I am so happy to have seen.


The pictures don't even come close to expressing the beauty of this place. The mountains were huge, the lakes were a beautiful blue green and the altitude put one member from our group in the hospital. (But that was a different adventure you will hear about later. This Blog post is just an update to let you know that I'm alive and you will hear more later. I will be posting a description of the events at a later date with excerpts from my Dad's Journal. He is an amazing writer and I could not even begin to express the events like he does so Stay Tuned.........

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Time for a Break!!!

This post is happening because it is time for me to take a break. I have been go, go, go since I got here and I would not trade it in for the world. I can't even express how much fun I am having in Chengdu. I'm even more excited because my dad will be joining me next week and I can't wait to share the Adventure with him. Although, I do have to say that I miss my wife. It's hard to have so much fun without her, but from what I hear she is enjoying having the house to herself in silence with out any bad jokes for a couple weeks. I guess I understand. In my opinion the jokes are not bad. I would say that they are not quite perfected yet and she is my test subject.

Now, back to the reason you all are here. This is generally how the evenings begin after lecture. We meet at the bamboo bar, which we named for obvious reasons, and have a beer. The water is not exactly clean so it's either bottled water or beer.


Snow Beer is cheaper and tastes delicious. After a while we meet with Tantan and head out for dinner. We don't always go to dinner together but is sure is a treat when Tantan picks the restaurants. Each restaurant is generally a short bus ride, bike ride or short walk away.


Like I said before, there are a crazy number of restaurants around.

This week I was in the Pediatric department for a couple of days. The kids here are so cute and they always know to stick out their tongue and let the doctor take their pulse. They are so well behaved.


On Thursday we took a field trip to one of the 3 largest Herb Markets in the world. This place was huge. It was like a swap meet on steroids.

Look how Fresh and Red the Hong Hua is!!!

Ginseng Anyone!!!


After we left the market we stopped at a museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine. We were all really tired but it was very cool.


These are some Old Books. I can't wait until my Chinese is good enough to read something like this.


This is my favorite place to eat. It's a little outdoor market and you just pick the food you want, put it in your basket, tell them no MSG (even though that doesn't guarantee anything) and then Chow Down!!


And then we talk about music until the beer is gone. Luckily we have the old stand by for those days when there was too much beer.


I would have to say that I am letting loose a little bit on this adventure and it feels good. I spent the last 4 years of my life studying 6 days a week with the 7th being only a half day of study. Thank goodness that it's over, a bittersweet ending but right now it's a little heavier on the sweet side.


I just thought I would throw that one in. I really like it because I think I'm the best looking of all these guys.

And now for your Moment of ZEN!!!!


wǒ děi zǒu le
I Have to Leave,

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Giant Trip

Another day, another adventure. Some of the pictures you are about to see are not in chronological order but I just picked out a few of my favorites from my latest download. I would love to put up more but I do not want to spoil the book. For those of you who have yet to purchase one and would like to reserve your copy, you can send me an email and let me know.

This weekend we took a trip to Leshan to see the Giant Buddha. What an amazing spectacle. It was a two hour bus ride out but well worth it. We stopped at some local restaurant for lunch which was pretty good. Not as good as the street food in Chengdu but it will do. We used our Id's to get the student rate. I forgot to bring my school id so I used my drivers license. It was no problem because they had no idea what it said.

We made our way in up the steps and there were chinese characters carved into the side of the mountain everywhere. I have no Idea how they did it. It was beautiful. Finally we reached the top to find an amazing temple and a view of the head.


The Giant Buddha is larger than the statue of Liberty and completely carved into the side of the mountain. all the work was done by hand and I have no idea how they did it. It was such an awesome display of skill and engineering. The steps to get down were quite narrow. I think I was the biggest person there and I know that the steps were not made for people my size. The crowd was intense. It felt like we were at an amusement park.


It was even more amazing from the bottom. The toe is bigger than me!!!!


I have so many amazing pictures from here that I could not show them but I can't wait to share. It is truly a spiritual place.
Afterwards, on our walk out we spotted some delicious bird on a stick. Joe decided he was going to try it. I have no idea why but he did. Unfortunately he was sick for two days after.


It was time for a bathroom break so I thought I would share the experience. WARNING!!The following picture is gross.


I know that is disgusting but i want you all to enjoy this journey and really feel like you are here. Notice that there is no toilet seat. The Chengdu way is to squat!! You can relax though because I have a regular toilet in my hotel room.

Finally, I thought I would finish this blog off with a moment of Zen. Just relax and enjoy this nice bicycle ride with me.


Until Next Time......

Have a Safe Journey
yílù píngān

Friday, April 11, 2008

It Just Keeps Getting Better!!

I am now 5 full days into the trip and wow, this place is awesome. I have experienced so many crazy things. Yesterday I saw a kid just pull her pants down, squat and pee right on the sidewalk. I was not quick enough with my camera though. I guess I'll just have to wait for the next one. Although I have had a desire for something american here and there so I took these pictures to keep me feeling like I was at home. We walked a couple miles to dinner and we passed some quality american joints on the way.




Oddly enough, I have been sticking to the local fare. it's much more exciting. My personal favorite is the fresh pineapple on a stick. We watch them cutting them as we walk to school and they are amazing. So juicy and fresh.


I guess it's only right that I gave myself a break and had my ears cleaned. Boy did they need it. they dig in there for a while then use this tuning fork thing to vibrate the inside of my ear. It makes my whole body feel weird but I can hear so much better afterwards.


Clinic has been great. I am learning an amazing amount of stuff. The doctors here use a good range of western and eastern diagnostic skills but always treat with herbs first. They say that there are very few instances that the herbs did not work but they will use western meds if they have to. the people here have a choice of going to the Chinese Medicine Hospital or the Western Hospital. They prefer the Chinese Medicine hospital because it is cheaper and they think it's more effective.


They use herbs directly in the IV Drip. It's amazing.


Earlier in the week I had Hot Pot. A true Chengdu experience. I tried duck intestines for the first (and Last) time. I just thought I would share the love.


I hope everybody is enjoying this as much as I am. I am not able to actually see this blog so please send me some emails and let me know what you think.

Until next time,

bǎozhòng (take care)


Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Day one of school and things have been Awesome! Here are a few photos from my first couple days.

This is the view from my room. Notice all the construction. they are pounding holes for posts to make an overpass on the road. The banging goes on all night and is very loud in my room although it is kind of soothing and now I don't even notice it. Until I wake up at 4 in the morning and I can't get back to sleep. The picture is kind of foggy but there is nothing on the lens. That's just SMOG.


Like my mother always told me, breakfast is the most important meal. It's a little different over here. Every meal is the most important meal. Tantan, my teacher from PCOM who put this trip together is from Chengdu and he says that there are over 58,000 restaurants in the city. Chengdu is known for the food and I would have to agree. It's delicious.


Today was our first day of school. The campus is beautiful and there is a full hospital that the students learn at that treats everything with TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). They use some western but the treatments are centered around the TCM diagnosis and treatment.



First Day of School


The only logical thing to do after an exciting and exhausting day of clinic was to go buy some bikes and ride down to the park for a massage. The bikes only cost $22 and the massage was only $5. What a deal. Plus the massage was better than any one that I have paid for in the US. They cracked every joint in my body from my neck to my fingertips and I left feeling like a million dollars.



What a day. Now it's time to sleep. I'll see you soon.

wǎn ān
good night