Friday, April 11, 2008

It Just Keeps Getting Better!!

I am now 5 full days into the trip and wow, this place is awesome. I have experienced so many crazy things. Yesterday I saw a kid just pull her pants down, squat and pee right on the sidewalk. I was not quick enough with my camera though. I guess I'll just have to wait for the next one. Although I have had a desire for something american here and there so I took these pictures to keep me feeling like I was at home. We walked a couple miles to dinner and we passed some quality american joints on the way.




Oddly enough, I have been sticking to the local fare. it's much more exciting. My personal favorite is the fresh pineapple on a stick. We watch them cutting them as we walk to school and they are amazing. So juicy and fresh.


I guess it's only right that I gave myself a break and had my ears cleaned. Boy did they need it. they dig in there for a while then use this tuning fork thing to vibrate the inside of my ear. It makes my whole body feel weird but I can hear so much better afterwards.


Clinic has been great. I am learning an amazing amount of stuff. The doctors here use a good range of western and eastern diagnostic skills but always treat with herbs first. They say that there are very few instances that the herbs did not work but they will use western meds if they have to. the people here have a choice of going to the Chinese Medicine Hospital or the Western Hospital. They prefer the Chinese Medicine hospital because it is cheaper and they think it's more effective.


They use herbs directly in the IV Drip. It's amazing.


Earlier in the week I had Hot Pot. A true Chengdu experience. I tried duck intestines for the first (and Last) time. I just thought I would share the love.


I hope everybody is enjoying this as much as I am. I am not able to actually see this blog so please send me some emails and let me know what you think.

Until next time,

bǎozhòng (take care)


1 comment:

Zachary said...

Great Post! -- Love the pics. Why can't you see the blog? Is it blocked there?